Some Stories Take Longer To Heal

Ouch. I woke up in a lot of emotional pain this morning and I know exactly why. Last night I shared my past with a new friend of mine going into major detail of the traumas, the hurt, the despair and I basically felt like I relived each event. I felt my heart shatter into […]

Back To That “Place” Again

Sometimes it feels as though I make incredible progress with my dark emotions and past wounds and then all of a sudden I  fall right back to what feels like my very first time dealing with my depression. Feeling disconnected from self is hard to explain. I feel no connection to my life around me, everything seems difficult […]

Emotional Pain: Psychological Or Spiritual Issue?

“Emotional pain is not just a psychological issue; it is a spiritual issue. Depression may or may not be a disease of the brain, but it is definitely a disease of the soul. Modern psychotherapy has taken up some of the slack, and yet it too fails to deliver when it doesn’t acknowledge the soul […]